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In conversation with angelboy on her coming performance and safer dance floors

AMSTERDAM February 24, 2025

As we're daydreaming about the approaching kick-off of the festival season during DGTL, we caught up with  angelboy, who sat down with us and spoke about her upcoming performance, the dance scene in general, her journey as an artist and the importance of creating safe(r) and more inclusive dance floors together.

Keeping the dance floor safer for everyone

We feel that Dorien, also known as angelboy, has been part of the DGTL family for a while already because she used to be a key trainer at Sexmatters, the organization that trains the DGTL team on safe space policies. While she’s now pursuing a new path, her mission remains the same: ensuring everyone feels free and safe on the dance floor. Together, we keep that vibe alive!

Nightlife as a reflection of society

Dorien studied sociology in Amsterdam and New York. During her education, she learned a lot about gender studies. “Sociology taught me that the nightlife is a representation of the outside world. I believe that the outcasts of society become stars during nightlife because they feel more confident then. For some people nightlife is the only space when they can be who they want to be. That’s what I love about the DGTL crowd: everyone dares to be themselves.”


From doubt to confidence 

There are moments of complete unity where the crowd’s energy aligns perfectly with the music, creating a euphoric atmosphere. But there are also times when the connection feels elusive, leading to moments of insecurity. Angelboy acknowledges these challenges and sees them as opportunities for growth, rather than obstacles. It is in these uncertain moments that resilience is built, and through perseverance, she continues to push her boundaries as an artist. “When I am playing I don’t feel a connection with the crowd and I can feel a bit lost or insecure, but that’s also ok, it can make you stronger.”

Turning nerves into magic

We asked angelboy how she feels before starting her gig. She told us that she often feels nervous and that it’s exciting, but the crowd is always very kind to her. “I feel lucky and humbled when I’m playing and I love the connection you can have with the crowd. When you see the crowd letting loose, all the nerves just fade away.”

Bringing sensual energy to the dance floor

Angelboy is looking forward to playing at DGTL: “My set will be energetic, sexy, and a mix of different genres. But I want to keep it sensual. I think it’s more important that people move their hips than wave their hands in the air.” We also asked her if she could describe her scene in five words. “I would say: joyful, curious, resilient, authentic and sexy.These are aspects I also want to express with my gigs!” 

She has one more important tip for the DGTL crowd: “Discover new music, fall in love and have the time of your life. But also, respect the dance floor and other people's boundaries, that is the way to have fun!”

We are counting down the weeks until we unite on the dance floor and we hope to celebrate together with you. If you haven’t yet, secure your tickets to the event here

